Exploring the Developing Integrated Cognitive Competence (综合认知能力发展探究)
Session 1 (第1讲)
Strengthen creativity in questions and answers (在问答中增强创新意识)
Our Position (课程定位)
Our course ‘Exploring the Developing Integrated Cognitive Competence (EDICC)’ aims at constructing interdisciplinary research-driven study with cognitive science as its core. (我们的课程《综合认知能力发展探究》旨在建构以认知科学为核心的跨学科研究性学习。)
Do your teachers often ask you questions?
Do you often answer your teachers’ questions?
If any, how do you answer these questions?
Do you answer them creatively?
Do you often ask yourself questions?
If any, what questions do you ask?
I tell you, I often ask myself questions.
With my long experience in asking questions, I have found two types of questions are very important:
1. Basic questions
1) What is study?
2) What is research?
3) What is friendship?
2. Challenging questions
1) What is the difference between study and research?
2) What is the cognitive competence?
3) What is the integrated cognitive competence?
4) What is creativity?
Wu Benhu’s Current Understanding of Creativity (吴本虎当前对创造性的理解):
1. Creativity is our human nature.
2. We can develop our creativity with our own efforts.
3. We can develop our creativity by initiating and carrying out our creative thinking and engaging in our creative action.
4. We can carry out our creative thinking
1) by perceiving the world in new ways
2) by finding hidden patterns
3) by making connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena
4) by re-framing and exploring different perspectives
5) by adding more and more ideas in the list of solutions to a problem
6) by using new ideas in fundamentally different ways
7) by engaging in multidisciplinary collaborations (开展多学科整合)
8) by sharing tools and ideas
9) by inventing different ways of working
10) by making a contribution every day
11) by exchanging knowledge and ideas
12) by shaping the direction of the future
(Naiman, 2010)
5. We can engage in our creative action by writing down the results of our creative thinking and trying some ideas if possible.
Course work: Answer a challenging question:
What is ‘integrated cognitive competence’?
1) You are encouraged to discuss the question with your classmates and help each other in answering it. (鼓励大家先讨论问题,并且在互相帮助中寻求答案。)
2) You can answer it either in English or in Chinese. (用中、英文均可。)
3) You may write down your difficulties and your efforts in search for its answers. (可以记下寻求问题答案过程中的困难与所作的努力。)
4) You are required to present your class work as responses to the article for this session at 吴本虎学友之园 – 博客生活 http://www.cnweblog.com/wubenhu/ (要求将作业上传至本课程每一讲之后的回复栏中。)
5) You may answer more or less and your answer consists of 10% of the total score of the course, that is, your 8 class works consist of 80% of the total score. Your class works are assessed according to your effort, that is, you will get the full score after you present your class work. (回答多少不限,每次占课程成绩的10%,8次课的作业共占80%的课程成绩。每次的课堂作业只要努力了,就可得满分。)
6) The last course report makes the rest 20% of the total score of the course. This report consists of all your class works and should be printed for submission. It will be assessed accord to the quality of the contents. (最后提交打印的课程报告占课程成绩的20%。该课程报告根据内容评分。)
7) The first course work is required to be presented before 14:00, February 16, 2012. (第一次课程作业的上传期限为2012年2月16日14:00之前。)
8) You must provide the sources of your citations as demonstrated above. The web address is required for each citation from the Internet. If a citation has no source, it is to be taken as a plagiarism that will cause serious consequences. (凡是引述都必须跟本文一样标明出处。网上下载的资料还需标出网址。如有引述不标出处,那将被视为剽窃。其后果严重。)
9) Please present your course work in the box below. (请将您的课程作业贴在下面的评论窗口中。)
Readings for Session 2
1) “3.4.2 Research log” and “3.4.3 Techniques to manage and store data records” (Dornyei, 2007: 76-77)
2) Limited Value of IQ Test (Sousa, 2009: 13).
Note: The above 2 books are available at wbh511@yahoo.cn (eltstudy) 文件夹:books_推荐)
Dornyei, Zoltan. 2007. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methodologies. Oxford University Press.
Naiman, Linda. 2010. What is creativity? Creativity at Work: Articles & Tips [On-line]. Available Internet: http://www.creativityatwork.com/articlesContent/whatis.htm, February 8.
Sousa, David A. 2009. How the Gifted Brain Learns 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin
Wu Benhu’s Forum (吴本虎的网络窗口):
http://www.cnweblog.com/wubenhu/ (吴本虎学友之园 on 博客生活)
http://user.qzone.qq.com/449231171?ptlang=2052 (大笨虎的空间 on QQ)
http://weibo.com/2307967590 (大笨虎5 on 新浪微博)
http://www.renren.com/profile.do?id=343608032 (吴本虎 on 人人网)
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