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Exploring the Developing Integrated Cognitive Competence


Session 3


Try critical listening and reading with active responses



The general idea in this session:

Our integrated cognitive competence is expected to be developed through our critical thinking in listening and reading.


Questions for discussion after our critical reading:

1.     What does ‘revolution’ mean in this article?

2.     What is expected from China by Stephen R. Platt, an associate professor of history at the University of Massachusetts? (We just regard this American scholar’s attitude toward China is something unknown to us.)



New York Times

SundayReview | The Opinion Pages


Is China Ripe for a Revolution?


As Mr. Xi prepares to visit the United States on Tuesday, a similar sympathy shapes our view of China’s current unrest. Just last weekend, Senator John McCain warned China’s vice foreign minister that “the Arab Spring is coming to China.” The dominant tenor of Western press coverage is that the Communist Party is finally receiving its comeuppance — for its corruption, for its misrule in the countryside, for its indifference to human rights and democracy. And below the surface, usually unspoken, lurks a deeply felt sense of schadenfreude — a desire to see the Communist Party toppled from power by its own people.

Wu Benhu: What does the sentence “the Arab Spring is coming to China” mean? Do you think so?

The Arab Spring is a wave of demonstrations and protests occurring in the Arab world including countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya suffered from a civil war resulting in the fall of the country's government.

But China is different from the Arab world. China’s government is firmly support by the Chinese people and China’s government tries its best for the benefit of the Chinese people. So they do not want the Arab Spring coming to China because it means disaster and suffering.

http://www.baidu.com/ 【百度】




中国政府是世界上满意最高的政府|『会员交流』 - 莱芜论坛|莱芜...

23条回复 - 发帖时间: 201225

查看完整版本: [-- 中国政府是世界上满意最高的政府 --]莱芜论坛|莱芜门户... 张志军反驳:事实上,根据西方机构的一项民意调查,在民众对政府满意度方面,...
www.laiwu.net/simple/?t791599.html 2012-2-7 - 百度快照




莱芜论坛|莱芜门户| -> 『会员交流』 -> 中国政府是世界上满意度最高的政府 [打印本页]     登录 -> 注册 -> 回复主题 -> 发表主题



2012-02-05 16:19










Course work 3 (课程作业3)

Write your comments on what you have read in one of the two news reports after your critical reading.



posted on 2012-02-23 18:05 吴本虎 阅读(137) 评论(13)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 综合认知能力发展探究2012春


# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(3):在积极应对中尝试评析性听读 2012-02-24 22:22 10800313

I think “the Arab Spring is coming to China” will not come true .
It is just the western powers who want to limit the development of China.
From the news we can find that the western powers` true purpose is keep supremacy.
They think that a powerful China is their threats.
But our chines people know our government .We ourselves feel that China's development bring us change .
So, I think the Arab Spring will not come to china .  回复  更多评论   

# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(3):在积极应对中尝试评析性听读 2012-02-25 12:50 09050115

In my pinion, “the Arab Spring is coming to China” is not true. It’s widely acknowledged that our Chinese people have better life than past times. China’s government is firmly support by the Chinese people and China’s government tries its best for the benefit of the Chinese people. With the development of China, The western developed countries treat China as their threat. So they often framed us.
However, we should also see some bad phenomenon in our country. It also need a long time for the Chinese government to acquire the world's highest satisfaction, Human rights and democracy should be better protected than ever.
As nobody's perfect, so does the government. We need treat our government objectively. We need more time to improve our country.
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# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(3):在积极应对中尝试评析性听读 2012-02-27 11:15 张苗

Mr. Wu,
As I see it,“the Arab Spring is coming to China” will not come true. It is widely acknowledged that last thirty years has seen the rapid and healthy development of China. Now China has stepped into a well-off society, in which people live a rich and happy life. People sing high praise of Chinese government. So “the Arab Spring is coming to China’ is not true.
However,Chinese government are obliged to consider “the Arab Spring is coming to China’ as a warning to China. Government officials should serve people whole-heartedly. It is only when every citizen lead a happy life that China is able to expect a promising future. And “the Arab Spring is coming to China’ will simply be an unwarranted thing.
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# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(3):在积极应对中尝试评析性听读 2012-02-28 05:13 吴本虎

I delightfully appreciate your view of China's future. What we need is to enjoy our peaceful life rather than destroying our hard-won peace in life.  回复  更多评论   

# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(3):在积极应对中尝试评析性听读 2012-02-28 05:19 吴本虎

You are right. We need to improve our life step by step. It is not wise to damage our life because it is not perfect.  回复  更多评论   

# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(3):在积极应对中尝试评析性听读 2012-02-28 05:32 吴本虎

I enjoy what you said. It is true that the rapid and healthy development of China has brought us a better life and will bring us an even better life. Everyone should cherish this. What we want is to improve our life rather than losing our lives.  回复  更多评论   












