
We are friends for study, in study and of study.



Exploring the Developing Integrated Cognitive Competence


Session 4


Promote creative thinking in problem solving


From the theme of this session, we can find out that there are two phrases: One is creative thinking and the other is problem solving.


These two phrases can help us find out more about how to promote creative thinking in problem solving.


Now, let’s see how we can benefit from these two phrases.




"creative thinking" "problem solving"


Introduction to Creative Thinking


Wu Benhu’s advice for your reading:


You can try your active reading, enjoyable reading, functional reading, and selective reading.


The following is the summary of my reading experiences:



Do the following:

Don’t do the following:



Active reading

Not passive reading



Enjoyable reading

Not reluctant reading



Functional reading

Not general reading



Selective reading

Not complete reading



For our more effective and efficient reading






Introduction to Creative Thinking by Robert Harris

Version Date: July 1, 1998

Much of the thinking done in formal education emphasizes the skills of analysis--teaching students how to understand claims, follow or create a logical argument, figure out the answer, eliminate the incorrect paths and focus on the correct one. However, there is another kind of thinking, one that focuses on exploring ideas, generating possibilities, looking for many right answers rather than just one. Both of these kinds of thinking are vital to a successful working life, yet the latter one tends to be ignored until after college. We might differentiate these two kinds of thinking like this:

Critical Thinking

Creative Thinking










suspended judgment






an answer

left brain

right brain






richness, novelty

yes but

yes and


The following was constructed after class:

When we are considering some properties of critical thinking and creative thinking, namely, verbal and linear in critical thinking and visual and associative in creative thinking, we may find the following differences:


The following was constructed during the break of the session:

The thinking complex


Focus of thinking



Freedom of thinking


Free and not focused

Free but focused


Controlled but not focused

Controlled and focused

The above can be considered as theoretical construction. (以上部分可以视为理论建构。)


Wu Benhu:

       Now let’s use the idea presented above:

1.     Creative thinking is generative and divergent. (创造性思维具有生成性与发散性。)

2.     Critical thinking is analytic and convergent. (评析性思维具有分析性与收敛性。)

3.     We can try both creative thinking and critical thinking with our question ‘How to learn English better?’

4.     Consider ‘How to learn English better?’ in creative thinking.

1)     I may copy new words. (我可以抄生词。)

2)     I may recite new words. (我可以背单词)

3)     I may read valuable texts. (我可以阅读有价值的文章。)

4)     I may read interesting texts. (我可以阅读有趣的文章。)

5)     I may read interesting and valuable texts. (我可以阅读既有趣又有价值的文章。)

5.     Consider ‘How to learn English better?’ in critical thinking.

1)     I try to find the most enjoyable way in learning English.

2)     I try to find the most rewarding way in learning English.

3)     I try to find the most enjoyable and rewarding way in learning English.


Class discussion

       How can we learn English better from, in, and for creative thinking?

1.     How can we learn English better from creative thinking?

2.     How can we learn English better in creative thinking?

3.     How can we learn English better for creative thinking?


Course work

Practice your creative thinking in finding out the best way and the worst way in learning English:

1.     List 3 or 4 ways you usually use.

2.     Compare them to see which is the most effective and which is the least effective.

3.     Try to find out why it is the most effective or it is the least effective.

(You may use both English and Chinese for this course work.)


Questions for your considerations of Session 5

1.     What are creative thinking techniques?

2.     What are critical thinking techniques?

3.     What are the differences between creative thinking techniques and critical thinking techniques?

posted on 2012-03-01 23:01 吴本虎 阅读(197) 评论(10)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 综合认知能力发展探究2012春


# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(4):在解决问题过程中推进创造性思维 2012-03-05 22:15 09090413

To learn English, I often use the following ways:
1. Recite the words and phrases on the vocabulary book in order to enlarge my vocabulary.
Advantage: It’s the most direct way to memorize the words and phrases and I could know the usage of them easily. What’s more, with such a book, I can recite them no matter where I go.
Disadvantage: It’s also the most mechanic way to learn English, and I should repeat again and again to remember those words firmly. And the process of learning is so boring that I often want to give up half-way.
Therefore, I think this way is the least effective way.

2. Watch the documentaries made by those English-speaking countries, such as National Geographic, BBC World Service, etc.
Advantage: It’s a vivid way to learn English. While learning, I reckon it will be easier and more delightful. Also, I can learn English through integrative senses, including hearing, seeing, and reading.
Disadvantage: Mostly, I just watch them for entertainment and knowledge. Seldom will I put what I learn in the documentaries into use.

3. Read the English novels, essays on the books or magazines, and then write my own reflection.
Advantage: Through the English novels and essays, there’s no need for me to memorize the word in the mechanic way, but I could learn the words in the context. What’s more, while reading, my vocabulary will become larger and larger, and I will be more familiar with those words, and express what I want to say into English more typical.
Disadvantage: Idleness is my biggest enemy.
However, I still reckon this way is the most effective way.

P.S: As for the question Professor Wu raised in class, “How can we learn English better from creative thinking?”, “How can we learn English better in creative thinking?”, “How can we learn English better for creative thinking?” here is my understanding upon the first and third question.
With creative thinking, we will come up with one after another ways to learn English better. And through comparing them, we can find the most effective way to improve English. For example, through the ways of copy new words, recite new words, read valuable texts, read interesting texts and read interesting and valuable texts, we can figure out that the last way is supposed to be the most effective way.
And, English is acknowledged as a world language, which means the process of learning English is also the process of sharing others’ thoughts. Therefore, if we learn English better, we may have the chance to stand on the top of some subject, which is good for our creative thinking.  回复  更多评论   

# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(4):在解决问题过程中推进创造性思维 2012-03-07 12:59 张苗 10133121

Mr. Wu,
I usually use the following 4 ways to learn English. First,remember the new words. Second,recite the text. Third,do exercises. Fourth,watch American TV dramas.
Among the four methods,I give top priority to the second one—recite the text. And I think do exercises should be the least effective one. As far as I’m concerned, recite the text can train our sense of language, which plays a decisive role in our English learning. Apart from this, we will reflect on the material while reading. Then we may get the hang of grammar points and finally get the meaning of the whole passage. However, do exercises blindly doesn't make any sense. It seems we do the same thing we already understand repeatedly.
Overall, we are obliged to read more in order to learn English well.
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# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(4):在解决问题过程中推进创造性思维 2012-03-08 13:05 10133110

As my English is not very good, I try many ways to improve my English.
Watch English movies is a good way to improve my English. It's better if there is no Chinese subtitles. But if I can't understand what they say, I always ignore it and go on with the next plot. Comparing with watching English movies, I think reading English book is better. When it comes to difficult sentences, I will search for the Chinese means and make myself understand.
Look back on my different kinds of methods to study English. I think the most effective way for me is translation. That means translate Chinese article into English, compare it with original English text and find out the better sentence patterns and try to use then in our daily life. Birth comparing and using it in our daily life can make remember them more deeply. As to the worst way to learn English, maybe read one word I want to remember again and again. In this way, I can only memorize it in seconds and forget in quickly.
Thank you for this task to analyze my ways to learn English. I will find better ways to improve my English.
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# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(4):在解决问题过程中推进创造性思维 2012-03-08 15:30 08090418

I tend to learn English naturally, that is, I don't select some specific approaches to learn the language on purpose; instead I read the English articles that are interesting to me, write in English to express my ideas when they comes in the version of English, and watch the videos- mostly films and the open courses online- out of interest. If this can be defined as a way, it seems more close to a natural way to acquire the language rather than to learn the language. Obviously, such a way is effortless and effective, but may not be very efficient for it needs time to amass the knowledge and skills.
Sometimes, in given situations, say, when I have to prepare for a test like CET 6, TEM 4, or IELTS, I choose to do the previous exam papers in the latest 3 years. However, unlike others, I am used to go through each paper word by word and take note of the new words and unfamiliar expressions, by which I can get more than just finish a exam paper. This method is more efficient to cram up the tests because each examination has its own particular features that call for different testing technique.
As far as I am concerned, there is no absolutely effective way of learning English but suitable approaches for each individual in varied cases. In learning, we do not only desire knowledge but also long for pleasure. If one method enables you learn with joy, then it will be a good one.
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# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(4):在解决问题过程中推进创造性思维 2012-03-20 16:23 麦吾丽丹

Dear teacher ,as my English is not very good, I try many ways to improve my English.
I don't select some specific approaches to learn the language on purpose; instead I read the English articles that are interesting to me, write in English to express my ideas when they comes in the version of English, and watch the videos- mostly films and the open courses online- out of interest. If this can be defined as a way, it seems more close to a natural way to acquire the language rather than to learn the language.  回复  更多评论   

# re: 综合认知能力发展探究(4):在解决问题过程中推进创造性思维 2012-03-21 20:00 吴本虎

I enjoy your progress in using English to express your ideas. It is not easy at the beginning. If you do more, you can become more and more skillful in using English. This is what we are doing together. I agree with you that we need to listen and read something interesting in learning English because interesting listening and reading materials can help us learn English more happily.  回复  更多评论   












