Introduction to European and American Culture
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The influence of Christianity in the western world
——from the aspect of human rights
Mentioning the western world, we often think about its most typical feature—Christianity. If we look around the whole world, we may find out that one of the world's most unified holidays is Sunday, which is used to memory Jesus. Now we may understand how deep Christianity influences the world, especially the western world where Christianity comes into being.
Thus, the effect of Christianity is powerful, and this mostly emerges in the aspect of human rights. As we can see, many western countries advocate the respect of contract, laws, and human rights. For example, a number of constitutions specifically mentioned "natural rights", which is related to the Christian classic - the bible .We can learn the sanctity of contract from the phenomenon that gods are as equal as human in the bible. At the same time, we can see the respect to human's rights, the value of democracy and the publicity of morality from the commandment of Christ.
But in the meanwhile, we have to admit that Christianity brings people a lot of disadvantages: too much craze about religion leads to wars, slaughter, even genocide! Like the Crusades war, which actually do not protect human rights but ruin them. How dangerous it is!
So, in conclusion, the influence of Christianity in the western world could not be simply analyzing, right or wrong, but depends.